焦点提醒:基在降雨情形摹拟的排水系统内涝风险评估与阐发 王诗婧 上海市政项目设想研究总院 - 首 页
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- English上一篇下一篇PDF下载[1]王诗婧.基在降雨情形摹拟的排水系统内涝风险评估与阐发[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(11):112-116.点击复制
基在降雨情形摹拟的排水系统内涝风险评估与阐发中国给水排水[ISSN:1000-4062/CN:12-1073/TU]卷:第36卷期数:2020年第11期页码:112-116栏目:出书日期:2020-06-05- Title:
- Waterlogging Risk Assessment and Analysis of Urban Drainage System Based on Rainfall Scenario Simulation
- 作者:
- 王诗婧
- 要害词:
- font-size: 10pt;">城市排水系统;降雨情形摹拟;内涝风险评估;GIS系统;平原水网城市
- Keywords:
- font-size: 10pt;">urban drainage system;rainfall scenario simulation;waterlogging risk assessment;GIS system;plainriver network city
- 摘要:
- 当今年夜大都城市建成区雨水管网具有设想尺度偏低、泉源节制径流能力低等问题,使得内涝风险增添。以某平原水网城市为例,采取地舆消息系统(GIS)手艺与分析流域排水系统模子InfoWorks ICM相连系的方式,对分歧降雨重现期进行情形摹拟,阐发评估内涝风险,并经由过程对摹拟成果进行水量均衡����Ϸapp阐发,得出需要经由过程增设泉源LID举措措施、管道提标革新、公道安插外围排涝举措措施等办法有针对性地防止内涝产生、下降内涝风险。
- Abstract:
- At present, problems of low design standard and low source control capacity exist in storm pipe network in most urban built-up areas, which increases the risk of waterlogging. Taking a plain river network city for eample, the geographic information system (GIS) technology combined with integrated catchment drainage system model InfoWorks ICM were applied to simulate scenarios at different rainfall return periods,the urban waterlogging risk was analyzed and assessed, and water balance analysis was carried out on the simulation results. It was concluded that measures should be taken to prevent the occurrence of waterlogging and reduce the risk of waterlogging by adding LID facilities at the source, upgrading pipelines, and reasonably arranging peripheral drainage facilities.
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