爱游戏,深圳市污泥深度脱水应急工程的设计与运行 颜莹莹, 孟春霖, 臧星华, 万修志, 李雪怡, 马嘉蔚(北京首创污泥处置技术有限公司,北京 100044) Author(s):YAN Yi
焦点提醒:深圳市污泥深度脱水应急项目的设想与运转 颜莹莹, 孟春霖, 臧星华, 万修志, 李雪怡, 马嘉蔚(北京初创污泥措置手艺无限公司,北京 100044) Author(s):YAN Ying-ying, MENG Chun-lin, ZANG Xing-hua, WAN Xiu-zhi, LI Xue-yi, MA Jia-wei(Beijing Capital Sludge Disposal Co. Ltd., Beijing 100044, China) 要害词:深度脱水带式机; 污泥
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English上一篇下一篇PDF下载[1]颜莹莹,孟春霖,臧星华,等.深圳市污泥深度脱水应急项目的设想与运转[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(4):120-124. YANYing-ying,MENGChun-lin,ZANGXing-hua,et al.Design and Operation of the Emergency Project for Deep Dewatering of Sludge in Shenzhen[J].China Water & Wastewater,2022,38(4):120-124.点击复制
Due to the lack of local sludge disposal capacity, about 60% of the sludge in Shenzhen is still exported for disposal, which means a long transportation distance and high disposal price. At the beginning of 2019, Shenzhen Fuyong WWTP transported the sludge with a water content of 80% after centrifugal dewatering to China Resources Power Haifeng Power Plant, which is 183 km away, for mixed burning with a total daily cost of about 62 352 yuan. Since May 2019, the emergency project for deep dewatering of sludge has been implemented. The deep dewatering belt dehydrator that can be connected with the current centrifugal dewatering system has been used to reduce the sludge water content from 80% to 60% and reduce the sludge transport volume from 120 t/d to 68.3 t/d through chemical conditioning and mechanical pressing with significant reduction effect. Besides, the total cost of sludge treatment and disposal has also decreased to 44 315 yuan/d, with obvious economic benefits. In addition, the appearance of the sludge after deep dewatering changes from a lumpy plastic state to a sheet?like semi?solid state, which is conducive to long?distance transportation and power plant co?processing. The calorific value of sludge increased from -0.96 MJ/kg to 0.69 MJ/kg. The emergency project of sludge deep dewatering has been running stably for over a year, whose design and operation experience can provide references.
[1]罗锋,彭进湖,张忠祥,等.南边污水处置厂污泥厌氧发酵制取碳源和投加策略[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(3):1.LUO Feng,PENG Jin?hu,ZHANG Zhong-xiang,et al.Preparation of Carbon Source by Anaerobic Fermentation of Sludge in Wastewater Treatment Plant in Southern China and Its Dosing Strategy[J].China Water & Wastewater,2022,38(4):1.